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Evil - for dummies

What you do is you start a bank, then by sleight of hand you convince everyone that while you only have 10 units of coin in your coffers y...

Saturday, November 21, 2020


Although it would seem that way, the meatbody populace is characterized by a stratification that is not solely financial. It is in fact more closely related to something called power. Power is what we would refer to strictly as a rate of energy emission. It is also that among the MBs but when it refers to influence it means the extent and speed with which a meatbody  can move, direct or dictate the actions of other meatbodies. Holding high power means that key meatbodies (or large numbers of them) can be moved quickly for any purpose. It is a peculiar substance, power,  because it is unmeasurable except through a careful assessment of relationships between meatbodies, that is to say, a quantification of "who controls whom". 

There is outward power - conferred through a popular process of assignment, like election - and there is hidden power, where meatbodies hold in suspension over the heads of other meatbodies some piece of information that, if revealed, would shake the power structure and send top meatbodies toppling down the ladder. Meatbody populations are driven for the most part by hidden power.

There are different types of hidden power. The most obvious, but least prevalent, is driven by compromising information, as mentioned above. But the most potent mobilizes not just individuals, but the masses. It is  driven by information that is persuasive in the sense that it has been generally assimilated by the meatbody populace. The meatbody is keenly attached to his acceptability among his meatbody peers. If he is not accepted then he will be ousted and he will not fare well. So whatever appears to be the agreed understanding will be embraced by him regardless of its kinship to truth. 

Recall this quirky notion of truth and the odd relationship meatbodies have toward it. Events slip into the stream of time continuously and from there on are no longer accessible to direct meatbody cognizance. No record keeping can possibly keep up with this stream. In the absence of record keeping , the representation of “what happened “ becomes subject to debate. This debate possesses -  truly possesses - the minds of the meatbody masses. What is true? What is fabricated? These questions are only answerable by consulting the running record.  The truly powerful control this, the representation of past events: The Record. There is no other access - as we are accustomed to it - to the actual timeline. There is only representation of this timeline ,  and the most widely accepted timeline becomes defacto “truth”.

So we have then meatbodies - the majority - laboring under a false understanding of their own past, living, as it were, under a misapprehension of truth. This would not matter if no decisions were made on the basis of “The Record”, but in fact it dictates almost everything they do. The past serves as a register of lesson-learned that is constantly referred to, and often used as a stick to beat down a rival meatbody with opposing ambitions.

However, truth has an interesting feature that is is troubling to the powerful: it does not change. So if it is misrepresented here, then it will be incongruous even contradictory with something else represented over there. To align the two into a coherent whole further misrepresentation is needed until, at last, an all encompassing fabric must be spread over every aspect of meatbody existence. And this fabric – necessarily rough for it can never have the fine fiber of truth –  will chafe on the backs of meatbodies until , inevitably, a number is meatbodies will cast off of themselves this chafing coat and begin to look around to establish The Record for themselves.  

This is the state of power among the meatbody populace. There has been too much chafing for too long. The irritation is complete and the incongruity so enormous that meatbodies the world over feel a rage of internal conflict. What they see with their own eyes diverges so widely with what is represented that a sense of unreality has started to overcome them. And that is one thing that no meatbody –  except under the influence of drugs, a topic for another time –  can accept.

They can accept untruth locally, but when there is a mismatch between local untruth and general perception, we begin to have have unreality, or as it is called, hyper-reality. The powerful are at the stage now of enforcing hyper-reality, because logic is so far adrift that it can no longer be appealed to.