“Enough,” said the king.
But still the jester mocked him.
“If thou dost not desist, jester, a dishevelled forelock is all of thee that shall remain.”
And still the jester mocked the king.
So the king turned the glare of media upon this jester, and with every epithet his squeamish subjects could stomach, BLASTED HIM.
So the king turned the glare of media upon this jester, and with every epithet his squeamish subjects could stomach, BLASTED HIM.
Still the jester mocked the king.
So the king called on paid jesters of the court to mock this miscreant in return. And so it came to pass that Jester Oliver – Master of the Revels – spun inanities before the nation.
Still the jester mocked the king.
Sixty three million dollars of the nation’s coin disbursed to lambast the rogue jester… and still the jester mocked the king.
Disheartened now – for the jester seemed impervious to derision – the king summoned his magicians to the court and said unto them: “Invoke the spirit of evil!”
“Your lordship, not the spirit of evil,” the magicians replied.
“Thou shalt do to as I say, wretched conjurors.”
And thus was invoked the greatest villain known to man, and the jester who mocked the king was to be called, henceforth and by royal decree, Adolf Hitler.
Still the jester mocked the king.