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Evil - for dummies

What you do is you start a bank, then by sleight of hand you convince everyone that while you only have 10 units of coin in your coffers y...

Sunday, December 27, 2015

imagine 1

Imagine the earth is round and flat. Imagine you are sitting on a landmass so extensive that you cannot see its edge, and its edges are so inhospitable that even the most intrepid among us could venture far within them: an endless expanse of ice with no refuelling stations and temperatures of forty or fifty below zero. And imagine that from this circular edge extends up and around a vast dome made of a material as unyielding and impenetrable as diamond. And imagine that within this capsule all the activities and happenstance of life transpires. Imagine that you are sitting at terrace on a sunny day on a Parisian boulevard minding your own business. Imagine that you are looking up at a crystal clear sky when you see in the far far distance a speck rising up to the heavens. The distance makes it appear that it is not rising fast, but you can easily surmise that it is probably barrelling up at Mach 3 or 4. As you bring your espresso to your lips, keeping your eye on the projectile, you suddenly see it stop and explode. The explosion is a mere blip from where you are sitting, but when the flash dies the projectile is no more.

It is the new year. Your head is pounding. Most of the previous night was spent imbibing alcohol of all kinds with strangers you will never see again. You do not give this any more thought, at least not until later this day when you walk back to your hotel and catch a newsflash on CNN in the corner of your eye. An experimental commercial spaceship funded by a French billionaire exploded a minute after take-off. It was an unmanned flight.

Ha! This correlates with what you observed. You pat yourself on the back for your keen eye, and then think of it no more. After all, you have another party to go to that night and you wouldn't miss it for the world.Tickets are three thousands euros apiece. It’s held in a place called  Le Dome, a large glass structure the size of half a football field set atop the highest skyscraper in the world.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

type 8 Homo sapiens: the vampire personality

If I could extract from you every Joule of energy by the action of a lever, I would not hesitate to press it down as long as you have breath in your lungs. Alas, I cannot take anything by force, but must manipulate you into offering it as an act of freewill. You might still think I would prefer to drink your blood, but I would not. No, no, no, there is no medium more effective to channel energy from your bosom into mine than the medium of human emotion.

Human emotions are subtle and manifold. Some are intense like rage, some seemingly dull, like apathy. But an emotion’s conductivity is not measured by its extravagance or “loudness”; it’s measured by its negativity. All conductive emotions are negative. There are no known positive conductive emotions. This is not to say that positive emotions do not have merit. They can sometimes serve as a springboard from which to send you plummeting to depths you would not otherwise sink to. Only from such depths could I extract from you certain samples of human hopelessness and despair. But such techniques must be employed with caution: these depths are not bottomless; there is always death, and a dead man produces no emotion of any kind, positive or negative.  

Let’s keep it simple.

To begin, you must be sure to place your man at a constant disadvantage (men and women alike). Caloric extraction works rather like electricity: there must be a positive and negative pole for the current to flow in any direction. To ensure that it flows in yours, you must maintain your man in a permanent state of disadvantage. By contrast, you yourself must always be positive. At the very least, outwardly; what you feel inside is of no consequence. You must always seem upbeat and winning, while your man must always, in some fashion or other, be losing. To highlight this, you must on occasion extend to him a straw for him to clutch at; it might serve to heave him partially out of the swirling water, but only so long as to give a positive emotional fluctuation. This is to be catalytic at best, but never let it lead him to safety. By definition the straw must break. How soon you wish this to occur is left to your discretion.  

The preferred emotional bracket is fear, anxiety, despair, longing and guilt. These are most readily accessible.  It is beyond the scope of this exposé to comment on all of these in detail. Suffice to say that each emotion has its particular wavelength, intensity and taste. Much as you may prefer fish over meat, I too have my preferences. I tend to go for the “stickier” emotions; emotions that enforce a certain adhesion or dependency… on ME. To wit: guilt and longing.

Guilt is perhaps my favorite. It is, indeed, practically a lever I can push down, so easily is it fabricated, so easily multiplied. There is no fonder taste than the taste of guilt. Saccharin and bitter at once. It is not even necessary for your man to squirm under it; it is quite enough to watch him drop his head at his imaginary wrongdoing. The procedure is simple: anything you do is to be minimized with one of a hundred pat justifications. Anything your man does is slipped under the magnifying glass and blown out of proportion. It is important to constantly harp on a selected grievance, regardless its pertinence or truth. Repetition is key. Lay down the narrative; work it hard and then draw down the guilt straight into your gullet. Yum. Oh, and one more thing: never, ever, ever forgive.

Longing. This is a wonderful tactic and can provide a heady flow of emotional calorie. However, it may require that you interact with your man en nature. Let us not beat around the bush: you must be intimate, as you must instate physical longing. Once in place, it is quite wonderful and vampiric. You will watch him grovel and act like a monkey and be quite beside himself with desire, and it will be child’s play to squeeze out of him any measure of caloric bounty. The procedure is elegant and simple: never offer anything; shun as a matter of course, but in random and infrequent instances open up in a show of abandon. This will place your man on a wrong footing and lay him bare to wholesale vampirism. These Joules can be sour, at times even vitriolic, but they are perhaps the finest.

The pallet is so much broader than the above, and there are many sub-emotions as succulent as these headliners, but the principles for extraction are the same: it is a zero sum game; always remain on the right side the zero; smile a lot and win.  

Good luck.

type 123456, 7

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Evil - for dummies

What you do is you start a bank, then by sleight of hand you convince everyone that while you only have 10 units of coin in your coffers you can lend out 100 or even a 1000. It’s called fractional reserve banking. It’s legal. It means that you suddenly have 10-100x more money than you originally had. Then, once you have this funny money, lend it out but demand that it be repaid with real money, plus interest of course. You can do this at a small scale in your community, but once you get really good at it you can institute it a national level with a central bank. Most countries have a central bank that’s tied into the network of central banks; the few countries that weren’t tied in, like Yugoslavia and Libya, were – shall we say – chastised and brought into line. So once you have a central bank linked into the network you can cause all kinds of disruptions across the whole system – sorry, let me say that differently: WE can cause disruptions across the system, including in YOUR country.

However, sometimes monetary disruptions are not enough because people are smart and they start to circumvent the system with barter, alternative currencies and other fanciful ideas. Then you need to act physically through the other limb on this beast: politics. 

If you’re dealing with a dictatorship in a Middle Eastern or African country, a nice way to do it is to roll in this large horse called democracy. Fill it with a bunch of backward religionist crazies  –  actually, just fill it with any group that wants power, it really doesn't matter who they are fund and arm them, give them a lofty name and then send them out on the streets. At the same time, ensure that you have a hip-sounding slogan that the “empowered” youth can cling onto, and then bombard social media with it; anyone who’s anyone will want to be part of this great movement. So roll in the horse with the crazies, get the Starbuckers hip to the idea and then roll out the plan. It sounds a bit disorderly, but that's precisely what you want. Disorder. We have organizations in these countries that can stage-manage these things. They are called NGOs. A lot of hip people want to work for NGOs. I swear, we get thousands of applicants a week. There’s no lack of volunteers. They don’t cost much, they are mostly useful idiots that work for nothing and have no idea who and what they’re subverting. It works well.

Of course, if you actually want to move in physically you cannot do anything without international buy-in. We cannot deploy our arsenal without the fat slob on the couch and the social justice warrior on TV giving us a thumbs-up – it’s unbelievable but it is like that – so we must demonstrate to these clowns that action is necessary. This is where the media comes in. 

What you do is, during the media-fed frenzy, you throw in a few agent-provocateurs to throw rocks and Molotov cocktails. People get hurt and bingo, the local law enforcement gets heavy handed and we have it on video. Usually that is not enough, but you can always get one of the local opposition groups to commit a false flag; promise them power and they’ll do just about anything. They want “democracy” so badly they are willing to use deception and force  to install it. Don’t ask questions, it just works.

So now we have skirmishes and tension, and all eyes on country X. We want that. This is important. Keep fires blazing all the time. Never let people look inward. Always keep fires blazing somewhere. It’s very important because it keeps eyes off of us. Keep up the strategy of tension, but if you really want to bring a large body of people under control it is not enough to keep their minds occupied with tension, you need to enter them into the fray either voluntarily as a fait accompli. In non-Western countries, you can usually just buy a Security Council resolution and do as you please. But in Western countries you can’t do that. Large scale invasions wouldn’t stand these days. Outward aggression is still recognized as such. So you must be more subtle than that. Do not use outward aggression in your backyard. You must subdue the people differently. 

You do it like this: just get everybody to agree on certain principles, and make sure that disagreeing with these principles is at first frowned upon and eventually grounds for social exclusion and ostracism. You have to build that up by gradualism. It takes a generation or two. Make sure that a person’s standing in society becomes dependent on his endorsement of these principles. This is subtle and requires that the dissemination and upholding of these principles be institutionalized and their enforcement “policed” until people start to police themselves. You will not need a thug with a ski mask to do this; a little lady with a website will be quite enough to shame people. Once you have created this culture, be sure to expand it and to harmonize it as widely as possible. It will take some work and a lot of it will be performed in the media because you must erode long-standing traditions. Of course, you will have one thing in your favour: people die and traditions die with them. The generations that follow will not know, let alone embrace these traditions. They will be far more responsive to the passive-aggressive threats of the little old lady than to any real outward threat, because – as you will discover – the threat of ridicule is so overwhelmingly crippling to a Westerner that he would rather forsake reason than to bear even for an instant this unpleasantness. This is a weakness that you must prey on. Once you have instituted this, you will officially have yourself a politically correct society. It’s wonderful. It’s like a floppy rag-doll you can prick pins into at will. Also, it costs virtually nothing!

Meanwhile, back in the tension-zone, our people will be supporting opposition groups, possibly with weapons but not necessarily. It is actually best to let things happen “organically” e.g. to incite repressive elements in the country and get some footage of ensuing violence, especially on women and children. You must try to have all German housewives crying, desperate with historical guilt; let them beg their leaders to help X, Y and Z per the footage.

Footage is remarkably effective. We did it recently. Children die by the thousands daily – THOUSANDS and in the most horrendous conditions of slavery, famine and so on – but we put our money on this piece of footage – it wasn’t even footage, just a single photo of a Syrian boy who drowned trying to escape with his idiot-father from one of our tension-zones. We knew it might have traction because it had the right elements. Of course, we ordered all our captured-outlets like the BBC to flog this and, if possible, spruce it up with sound effects and the right voice-tonalities, but we had no idea it would spread so virulently. Sometimes we are amazed at the effectiveness even of our own tactics and how benighted and hypnotized is our target audience. Sidebar. The point being, you get some footage, disseminate it, you pull at heart strings, you demonize opposition based on the policed-principles (abovementioned), and once the fat-slob and the social justice warrior are on-board, you can do as you please. The fat slobs are the fatuous horde at the rear; while the SJWs are the shrill frontline of your “free” army of idiots. Simple media propaganda can override even the most well-reasoned argumentation.

As a general rule, do not concern yourself with logic. We are in an era of rhetoric. That is the only thing that matters. You will never once hear a statistic cited as a reason to act. But you will see an unverified piece of footage be used for that very purpose. Do not bother with logic. Logic is effete. It’s for academics. Just follow the rule: the greater the tension, the greater the thrust. Do not worry about intellectual footing and legitimacy. So if you want to overrun Europe with refugees you must create a huge amount of tension, not a logical argument. The tension is the fuel; it propels the agenda. If your agenda is to overthrow a government, you will need a vast force. If your agenda is mass-displacement of peoples, you will likewise need a vast compelling force. Simply put: TENSION=FUEL. But when you ignite that fuel, you better know what direction it’s pointing in; you better have a plan, otherwise it can blow up in your hands. We have had this happen to us, for instance, when we fucked with the Russians. People can be aimless – this we can deal with  but we cannot. We have to know what we want. In this case we are aiming for a broad-scale destabilization of Europe. It is not in our interest to have these large ethnically homogeneous nations in Europe. We cannot have that. It is not possible to control such units even with interlinked central banks. It is much easier to control countries that are struggling with constant and intense internal strife. Cohesion is not in our interest, at least not cohesion as defined by national self-determination.

Now, you may find this difficult to believe, but all of this can be done from a very high level with very little exposure. You will recall from history that some very important transformations were fomented as off the books black-operations. Remember, it is MUCH easier to create tension than it is to create harmony. Look at what happened in Paris.  A couple of months of planning, a few useful idiots and the entire city is locked down and the country is under martial law. I REPEAT: It is very easy to create tension. Very very easy and very, very cheap. Furthermore, tension you can do in the dark; harmony you must create in the light of day. So it is fortunate that we are not interested in the latter.

To get to practical matters, what will you need to create tension? Well, you will need many things, but you will need this first and foremost: MONEY. No one works for free, and even if they do, they still need to eat and, if they are armed, they need to be supplied and resupplied. There is no escaping it. There will always be a need for MONEY and there will ALWAYS be people who are willing to kill for it. Luckily we have money, since we can conjure it out of thin air and multiply it. 

If I were foolish enough to suggest to our enemies a means to root us out and lay bare our plot, I would tell them simply this: if you want to find out who we are then follow the age-old adage: Follow the money. And if in the process of your investigations you get lost and confused, then I would tell you to follow an even older adage: cui bono? – who benefits?

But would I be so stupid to cast pearls before swine?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

known unknowns

What is known is that you woke up this morning, meaning that you went from a state of – let’s call it incognizance  to a state of relative cognizance. Relative because if it were absolute we would not be having this conversation.

Yes. I guess so.

Only in this state can you heave yourself out of bed.

Not completely true. There are somnambulists –

I’m speaking in general terms.

In general terms, yes.

So you heave yourself out of bed – by yourself  I do not mean you, but the large bio-vehicle you command – by the way, why are you all so large?

We’re not large – I mean, I'm not large. I only weigh 80 kilos.

I didn’t say heavy, I said large. But never mind, we’ll get to that.  So now you’re out of bed and the first thing you do is thrust this thing under a jet of lukewarm water. You do this daily, is that correct?

Yes – mostly. Although sometimes on weekends, when I have friends over–

Just the general outlines, please. Now. I noticed that while you are doing this, a radio is switched on automatically upstairs, as well as another machine from which a dark brown liquid percolates down into a receptacle. All outside your cognizance and volition.

That’s correct. It saves me time.

Time being important to accommodate so called “plans”, correct?


These plans are conceived somewhere within the bio-vehicle. Would that be a correct statement?


Perhaps within a sanctum of some kind?


You don’t know?


An unknown?


Never concerns you?


Never gave it any thought?

Maybe once or twice.

Interesting. Moving on. Would I be correct in calling these so called plans “future imaginings”

That would be appropriate, yes.

Would you say that to conceive these imaginings you draw from experiences and align these with theoretical knowledge you have observed and taken to be true?

I would say that is correct.

Please, drink your liquid. Take your time. I assume your bio-vehicle needs fuel now and again.

This is not fuel. This is coffee. It serves no such purpose.

Fine. So just to recapitulate, you go through 24 hour cycles, during which your cognizance is eclipsed at least once for an extended period of time while your bio-vehicle is “recharged” (for lack of a better term) more or less in phase with celestial movements of the sun. Is this correct?

The sun doesn’t move relative to us.

A theoretical assumption. Case in point. No matter.  The question is, are you OK with that?

What do you mean?

I mean are you content with these circumstances?

Well, I mean – wait, I don’t understand.

Are you satisfied with this life?

Of course. I wouldn’t mind sleeping a little less, but   anyway, there’s much more to it than that. You're simplifying it.

We’ll get to the rest.  I noticed a second vehicle next to you this morning in the same enclosure.

That’s my wife?

Excuse me?

The woman I share my life with.

Why do you do that?

Because I love her.

What is that?

Love is something you feel for someone. It makes you want to spend time with the person and be close.

What is its origin?

What do you mean?

Do you possess knowledge of its causal relation to you. Why this vehicle and not another?

Please don’t call her a vehicle. Her name is Sarah.

I do not mean to offend. I have not the nomenclature. Your wife,  why her? Is there a causal hierarchy amongst wives?

I don’t know what you're referring to. We met at university. We just got along. I can’t explain it.

So you have no knowledge.

Not as such.

Is she also cyclically-constrained like you are?


Is her cognizance eclipsed like yours, daily?

Yes, much more than mine. She is usually eclipsed – ah God,  what am I saying – she usually sleeps for like 9 or 10 hours. I only need 7, maybe less.

Does this mean you are proportionately more knowledgeable.

Not at all.

So there is no relation between the number of hours you are in a state of relative cognizance and your general level of knowledge?

No. Not really. She’s actually smarter than I am.

Smarter, meaning?

She’s faster to understand things.

So we must conclude from this that knowledge and time are not correlated.  You could have absolute knowledge in a single instant, or it could take you three hundred thousand years. There is no positive or negative correlation between time and knowledge.

I suppose, who knows.

So what do you do to increase your knowledge since, evidently, passive hours of relative-cognizance are of no help?

I have knowledge.

It seems you have a routine drawn up from experience and theoretical assumptions.

Is that how you describe my life? I have plenty of knowledge. I can disassemble and reassemble this HAM radio in fifteen minutes. I know that I can run flat-out for 1.2 kilometres.  I know exactly what to say and what not to say to Sarah just based on how she looks at me. Shall I go on?

You are cyclically constrained; your future imaginings struggle to exceed even a single decade; you have no knowledge – beyond the desire for proximity – why you are with your designated wife; your sight does not extend beyond a few hundred meters; you can barely recall what was said to you yesterday.  I am sorry to say that you are in the dark. I am not saying this to subdue you. I am merely pointing out the obvious. Could I have some of this substance? I would like to try it.

Of course. It’s a Colombian-Brazilian Arabica blend. Wait, I use this stainless-steel percolator, don't take that stuff.

What are you doing?

I am preheating your cup.

You seem very knowledgeable of this fluid and its preparation. It must be very important in the life of Man.

In fact it is.


Yes, indeed.

It’s good.

I told you.

But why? Why is it good?

Oh for God’s sake, man, can you just shut up and enjoy it

Fine. God - we'll take that one up next.

Monday, October 19, 2015

type 7 Homo sapiens: the Social Justice Warrior

type 123456, 7

If you do not know the Social Justice Warrior in your midst it is because he or she (hereafter she) seems so innocuous that she has not caught your eye; and you have not caught hers because you and she have not yet had a social justice run-in.

Once you do, the SJW will be like a mole digging tunnels under your feet. The stable footing you once thought you had in a company that has employed you with satisfaction for over fifteen years will suddenly give way, and you will find yourself neck deep in a quagmire, seated before a panel of inquiry investigating an alleged infringement of the company’s Code of Conduct by YOU.
What the f..!

An innocuous social justice warrior saw it fit to report you to the head of Human Resources, who promptly conducted confidential interviews with the aggrieved co-worker to ascertain the veracity of the claims made against you. Now she is interviewing you to ensure that she has a “balanced” view upon which to adjudicate this “delicate matter”.

You are sitting in front of three SJWs, one has her head titled at a ten to fifteen degree angle, permanently, suggesting pity or contempt, it is hard to tell which. Beside her are two minions from Human Resources, gorging on their own self-righteousness, emboldened by the prospect of fighting social injustice here and now. After all, before them is seated a seething sexist, likely homophobe and potential anti-Semite, what with those blue eyes and all. It is best therefore that they have never spoken to him or sought his company.

This sexist, homophobic, anti-Semite, is you, in case that failed to register. You are being investigated for sexist remarks in the workplace. The other charges are glowering in the wings, ready to pounce should the sexist thing not stick.  

You are being investigated for pronouncements made during a conference attended by yourself and a co-worker. The circumstances of these pronouncement was drinks at a bar after the conference with male, co-conferencees. The co-worker in question was a woman.

Four beers into aforementioned drinks, a co-conferencee notes that the sheer dearth of  “good looking chicks” at such conferences is “inhumane”. All but the co-worker guffaw in acknowledgement at this stark truth, until – realizing there's a woman in the group – all back pedal, and in unison pronounce: except you, of course. An awkward silence ensues.  

That’s it. That’s all of it. From thereon it was polished and politic.

Now you are being fingered for sexist statements made in the workplace. Tilty-head notes sternly that such statements are “problematic and not in keeping with the company’s Code of Conduct”.

Would you consider apologizing to the co-worker for making such statements?

Apologize?  For what?

For implying that she is unattractive, making her feel uncomfortable, and suggesting that conferences are for picking up women, or as you say “chicks”.

The former was never directly stated, but is an opinion to which I am entitled, and for which I could not in good conscience apologize under these circumstances. The latter was not implied by the statement which (by the way) I did not make, but merely concurred with.

The two minions cannot contain their indignation. How dare he. Had they been dogs not humans, foam would have gathered on their lips.

We would like you to rethink this in a broader context  of inclusiveness and seriously consider apologizing.

Titly-head scrawls notes on a notepad, struggling to appear professional in what seems increasingly like a gag.

You think back on the beers and the jocular co-conferencees, and note to yourself that the statement for which you are being accused by association was very mild, and that worse things about men are written in glossy magazines every day, but you decide not to engage her within her frame of reference, and instead simply refuse to apologize, something you might have done naturally had this “delicate matter” been brought to your attention in an informal setting, without accusations, minions and social justice.

Tilty-head is steadfast. Alright then, I think you’ve made yourself clear. And closes her notepad.

That’s it? you ask.

Yes. For now.

The next three months are a Kakfaesque mini-drama in which you are again summoned before the panel – expanded with senior (male) executives and their minions –  to be informed that your behaviour is now "highly problematic" where it was once merely "problematic", and that "all of this" is not going to “go away by refusing to apologize”. The suggestion being that, apologizing will make it all go away. But you are smart enough to know that the point is not the apology, the point is legitimizing the speech-police headed by Tilty-head and her minions. The point is the culture. They need you to consent to their bullshit. If you give in, it will not be over. Next you will be packed off to sensitivity-training where you will be patronized by an LGBT-advocate about the merits of diversity, inclusiveness and equality, and there will be no sense in asking whether guys-talking-like-guys-with-other-guys can be included in this diverse community of equals. 

Three months later you are packing up your office things into a box never to return again. And so it would appear that they have successfully policed you, three innocuous seeming SJWs. It would appear that they have won ground and purged from their midst this hardened Homo sapiens. It would appear so.

further reading: SJWs Always Lie, by Vox Day